
 This Union of Parishes is thankful for the many people who give generously of their time, talents and  their money.

If you would like to give in support of the work & ministry in Carrigrohane Union of Parishes you can find ways to give below 



Standing Order 

  • If you’d like to set up a monthly/quarterly or annual Standing Order with your bank the parish bank account details are:

 Carrigrohane Union Select Vestry Current Account,

AIB, Patrick Street, Cork. 

Account:  21109077 

IBAN: IE89 AIBK 9342 8321 1090 77


Online Donation

 You can donate now via Credit / Debit card 

Via Cheque / Cash


You can leave a donation in the Parish Office at the Carraig Centre 

Other Ways to Give

Stewardship Envelopes


Youthwork Fund

Details below >>



The Bible teaches us to give generously, proportionally, excellently, cheerfully and lovingly!  

Our giving is a response to God’s generosity to us: ‘For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son…’ Freely, freely we have received…freely freely, let’s give as we can.  Jesus taught us to put God before money, and the Old Testament teaches the principle of tithing – giving the first 10th of all we receive.  (John 3:16, Matthew 6:19-20, Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:6-9, 1 Corinthians 16:2, 2 Corinthians 8:7, 2 Corinthians 9:7, 1 Corinthians 13:3)

Many people give SO generously.

If you already give to the life and work of the parish – THANK YOU SO MUCH

As you read this page, please pray about how God would like you to help (or continue to help) support his work in and through CUP.  Due to COVID-19 we have been unable to have all of the the “in-person” services that we would normally value.  This has lead to a drop in income from “plate” donations.  Thank you again to those who have transferred to standing orders, that has been vital in keeping the income loss to a manageable level.  


WAYS TO GIVE:          

  1. Standing order
  2. Stewardship envelopes (containing cash or cheques) 
  3. By cheque (monthly or annually)
  4. Cash on the collection plates
  5. Online – Simply Click here to donate online 
  6. A mix of the above ways.

Standing orders, envelope donations and cheques (if adding up to over €250 in a year) can be included in our annual tax reclaim which really increases the value of each gift. To include giving in the reclaim application, the parish office has to have an enduring certificate of permission from the donor. We have some valued standing order donors who choose to remain anonymous; it would be most helpful if you could let Patsy and/or Janice our treasurer know who you are so we could claim the tax back on your very welcome donation.  Of course if you wish to remain completely anonymous that is entirely fine and your donations is much appreciated.

WHERE DOES IT GO(Expenditure from 2020  – from our Easter General Vestry )  

Fair Share which pays for clergy stipends, contributes to diocesan funds with a fixed charge of €12,000 and a contribution of €370 per “churchgoer” over 21 & Priorities Fund


Parish Administration & Overheads


Worship Resources


Charitable Giving


Designated Youth Work


Property, Maintenance & Utilities


Finance & Professional Costs



Capital payments




Special Projects


  1. NOTE: While many people contribute very generously, at present our regular giving alone does not pay the Fair Share & other expenses. Increases on regular giving to help us keep up with inflation (and insurance increases etc) are much appreciated!


Other helpful info:

  1. In/Out:  Special collections (for other charities) – at services/events, or collections like Bishops’ Appeal, are all separate from regular giving.
  2.  Rental income (mainly Parish Centre, but also Aisling Cottage and more recently, Blarney church) – which covers the running costs of the Parish Centre and Aisling Cottage and contributes towards the running costs of Blarney church.
  3.  The Carraig Centre operates on a separate budget but within the overall CUP umbrella.  The rental income which it generates is used to pay for its running costs and in 2020 will partially support the CUP office and admin costs.

 Investments held in the RCB (Representative Church Body in Dublin) can NOT be used for on-going maintenance costs, but ONLY be used for ‘Glebe’ projects on our existing parish buildings, that are approved by Select Vestry, then Diocese and then RCB


Separate to general parish finances – therefore NOT covered by general giving:

 Youth Work (wages, taxes and programme – €58,000 in 2019) – covered by Bequest funds, which makes this work a ‘free’ service to the parish for the past 12 years, and more to come!  We now have begun the 10 year Youth Work fund – so this work continues when the bequest has been used.  Giving to this fund is ring-fenced. 

 The Carraig Centre account – (with funds from field sale and a grant) is paying the day to day bills for TCC development, nearly complete at this stage.  More funds are held in the RCB awaiting final building and development costs.  NONE of these expenses are met from general parish funds/giving. The running of The Carraig Centre will be financially separate from the parish finances.   Any specific gifts or grants to this are ring-fenced.

  1.  Other Special Projects.



  • If you’d like stewardship envelopes for regular giving, please contact the Parish Office.
  • If you’d like to set up a monthly/quarterly or annual Standing Order with your bank the parish bank account details are:

 Carrigrohane Union Select Vestry Current Account,

AIB, Patrick Street, Cork. Account:  21109077 IBAN: IE89 AIBK 9342 8321 1090 77

  • Cheques should be  made payable to Carrigrohane Union of Parishes and sent or delivered to the Parish Office or put on a collection plate.
  • Bequests have been gratefully received and carefully used by the Parish – so perhaps you’d like to consider remembering the on-going ministry of the parish in your will so others will be blessed.
  • If you’d like to contribute to the 10 year Youth Work fund for the future, please ensure your donation is marked for this and it will be ring fenced accordingly.

Most recent financial Report to Easter General Vestry – Easter General Vestry report