A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Paul Colton

A Pastoral Letter from the Right Reverend Dr Paul Colton,

Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross

to the United Dioceses of Cork, Cloyne and Ross

When I sent you my pastoral guidance on 16th March requesting that, in response to the CoronaVirus crisis, we, like other dioceses of the Church of Ireland, close our church buildings, my prime concern was the safety and well-being of everyone.  This was your concern also, I know.

Much has happened since then; there have been many changes, challenges and, for too many people, tragedies.  In my monthly letter in the Diocesan Magazine published yesterday, I extended sympathy, not only to the loved ones of all those who have died of COVID-19, but also to everyone who has been bereaved during this pandemic, while also assuring those who have been ill or whose lives have been upheaved, of our prayers.

May I take this opportunity, once again, as your Bishop, to thank you most sincerely, for the ways in which you have responded to this crisis.  Your faithfulness, commitment, energy, determination, inventiveness, self-sacrifice, generosity and compassion have all been inspiring and humbling to witness.

The time approaches now when, subject to the public health advice and the public health situation generally, we can begin to look forward to the reopening, progressively, of our church buildings at some stage after 20th July.  This is good news and let us anticipate it with joy and hope, rejoicing that, although things will be very different for a time, we can begin to be in community together again as Christians.

Later today, or tomorrow, clergy and select vestries will receive information from the Church of Ireland about what is required in order to reopen church buildings.  The protocol that will be circulated is based on the Government’s two documents – the Roadmap for Reopening Society and  Business and the Return to Work Safely Protocol – both of which have been explained, and the practical implications set out,  in such a way that is specific to our church settings. 

I know that, in this Diocese, the responsibilities required of us all will be addressed and put into place with pragmatism and commitment; that is our tradition here in Cork, Cloyne and  Ross.

In  anticipation  of  the arrival of that protocol, I want first to underline a few key principles:

  • Safety: This is still about keeping everyone safe.  We do not want, either by our actions or omissions, to put one another or those who join us at risk.
  • Personal responsibility:  A message that we must keep highlighting for everyone is that each person must also take personal responsibility, first, not to come to church if  we or  anyone in our household has COVID-19 or has the symptoms of COVID-19; and second, to share in  the responsibility of making and keeping our church buildings safe places during the current times.
  • Three core areas: Church buildings are no different from any other place in the community in that the three core areas will apply to us too, all of which are mentioned in the new protocol:
    • Social or physical distancing in accordance with public health advice. This may mean that some buildings have a maximum capacity which has to be taken account of.  It will mean changes to our usual ways of gathering and seating. 
    • Hand hygiene
    • Respiratory hygiene
  • The new ‘normal’: When we reopen it will not be ‘business as usual’.  We will all need to be accommodating, flexible and  purposeful; determined to get this right for everyone’s sake as well as for the long term good of the people, churches and parishes in our Diocese. 
  • Step by step reopening.  It may also be both necessary and prudent, according to local circumstances and logistics not ‘to bite off more than we can chew’ at first, and to open our buildings progressively, one by one, over a period of time. We have to take into account also the situations of those available to take the large number of Church Services in our Diocese each Sunday.
  • The bare basics: The protocol that you will receive will encompass the basics and essentials needed just to get the building open and in use.  Further advice is in the pipeline and will follow soon about other core concerns such as Holy Communion, Holy Baptism, Funerals, and weekday opening for private prayer and visitors.  There are also some areas where additional advice is needed and is being sought, such as about singing. 
  • The unknown:  There are still many uncertainties and unknowns. We live in a time when there is a lot of conjecture and speculation in the public space as well as mutually exclusive views being articulated by experts. There are political and economic pressures from many directions. It can seem confusing.  We need, therefore, to be on our toes and ready to respond to changes in the public health advice as time goes on.   

So, dear friends, let us, as faithful followers of our Lord Jesus Christ, continue to walk the path of faith, hope and love.  In all of this (as I have tried to do, I hope, so far) I pledge to stand alongside each of our clergy and our parishes, and to give of myself, in whatever practical ways I can, for as long as the good Lord gives me life and strength to do so.  May he grant us all those gifts and all that we need to do what needs to be done in these times in which we live.

I end this letter as I ended that on 16th March.  I pray that the Lord God who has been with our forebears throughout the ages, including at times of great uncertainty and danger, in being with us all now too, will give us fortitude and calm, wisdom and perseverance, and enable us to live in the Christian way of faith, hope and love.  Amen.

With prayerful good wishes,

✞ Paul Cork:

Lighthouse Messy Church May

Lighthouse Messy Church May

Welcome to our very first online video based messy church – we’re using this as an experiment – do send some photos of crafts etc to us via lighthouse@cupcork.ie – also you can comment on our facebook page – www.facebook.come/messyinblarney

Activities for Lighthouse at Home Sunday 17th May

Theme: God’s peace and presence with us always.

Resources needed for today’s activities

Paper, pencils, scissors, glue stick or other form of glue, markers and/or crayons

Your photo album or photos on phone/laptop/tablet

Activity 1: God is always with me

Draw around you hand on a piece of paper and cut it out. Starting with the thumb write one word on each finger:                    God     is    always       with     me

This is to remind us, that no matter where we are, or what is happening all around us, God is with us. He never leaves us. And even when we cannot feel his presence with us, he is still there, always and forever.

Activity 2: Peace dove

Draw an outline of a dove on a piece of paper, then have everyone make another handprint like in activity 1 (but don’t write on it) Then stick the handprints onto the dove to give it feathers. Just use a little glue on the wrist part of the handprint so the fingers don’t stick down and the feathers are free.

The disciples were very scared. They were meeting together in a locked room when Jesus came and stood among them and said ‘Peace be with you.’ (see John 20:19). Jesus wants us all to know his peace at this very strange and often stressful time that we are in at the moment.

Activity 3: Peaceful places

Think of places or activities that make you feel peaceful. Draw a picture of them and then spend some time listening to each other tell about your peaceful places/activities.

Sometimes we need to make time and space for ourselves so that we can get away from the stress and anxiety we may feel and allow time to sit, walk, or be, so that we can feel the peace that God wants to give to each one of us.

Activity 4: Photos

Spend some time looking at photos of you and your family and friends and remember happy times together.

The disciples were filled with joy as Jesus stood among them and talked to them. (see John 20:20) I am sure that you are all missing your family and friends at this time and looking at photos can bring us joy as we remember all that we were doing and who we were with as the photo was taken.

A call to pray for Ireland

A call to pray for Ireland

A Call to Pray Ireland
Palm Sunday, 5th April 2020 3pm – 4pm

Join us in this island-wide, Church-wide call to prayer this Sunday! We’ll be joining with Christians across the island of Ireland form every background/denomination/tradition to lift our hearts and voices together in prayer for our world, our land, our neighbours and loved ones. In unity and togetherness.

Download the resource here.

We’re encouraged by the unity we’ve seen among the churches, and really among the Church, as we’ve all rallied together for this call to prayer in this time of need.  We want to lift our eyes to Jesus in these times and speak a confident hope not only to our own heart, but to the world around us.  We lift our eyes and remember where our help comes from.  We lift our voices in praise and prayer.  We let our hearts be moved in love and compassion.

Join us! . This is not a movement of one church or agency, but a movement of the Church.  And it requires all of us.

Holy Week 2020

Holy Week 2020

In these days leading up to Easter day 2020, it would be very easy with everything else going on to forget what we are doing and the time of year it is.

However as Christians at this time of year we do recall again the events of that week in the life of Jesus. This year it holds particular meaning – the pain, the isolation, the despair, the darkness and ultimately the death of our Lord and saviour.

As a church this year – we are not meeting as we had planned to do – with Bishop Harold Miller leading our thoughts this week. However, as parish we’re doing a few other things – as well as linking into the on-line resources being produced in the diocese.

Palm Sunday 11am – Morning with with Robert Ferris leading, Dave Backhouse on worship, Matt Gould preaching and Pam Wood leading prayers.

Tuesday of Holy Week – 12 Noon – with Robert Ferris & Máirt Hanley – Noon Day Prayers – on our Youtube Channel

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10 am – Holy Week Liturgies with Robert & Ian (These will be made available to pray later)

On this page you will find other materials produced by the diocesean clergy team to help in our thoughts and prayers as they become available – including a reading of the Passion Narrative, A Tenebrae service and other material.

Other Resources:

Parishioner Paul Everett is producing a daily blog throughout Holy week – check it out here – https://databassist.com/music

Reading of the Passion Narrative by some of the Clergy in Cork Cloyne & Ross

On Easter Sunday at 11am we will have a Holy Communion Service live from Robert & Noelle’s kitchen! with Ian Preaching & a kids talk by Ruth.