Mindful Makers

Sharing in the creative joy of making!

Mindful Makers Craft Group 

Meeting on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays during term time

The Mindful Makers meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, 10.00 – Noon, during term time in the Church of the Resurrection in Blarney. Bring along your own project. Share your work, get new ideas, or just enjoy some extra space to work. Each session begins with a short Out of the Box story, which gives us a few minutes to pause and reflect. The group is free of charge and new members are always welcome!

(Check the church noticeboard, Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/coiblarney/, or email Abigail abigail@cupcork.ie to confirm meeting dates if you are attending for the first time!)

Autumn 2024 Meeting Dates

18 September

2 October

16 October

6 November

20 November

4 December


The Mindful Makers are working on something special for 2025…

The Knitted Bible Project

We will be working towards a big project next year: an exhibition of Bible stories populated by knitted figures! We welcome participation of other knitters who would like to be involved, even if you aren’t able to attend our regular meetings and we’ve created a pattern for the Basic Figure which you can access here:

Knitted Bible Basic Figure Pattern

We also welcome suggestions from the community–what Bible stories would you like to see us create for the exhibition?

You can find a description and contact details for the project here:

Knitted Bible Project Description-3