Welcome to our very first online video based messy church – we’re using this as an experiment – do send some photos of crafts etc to us via lighthouse@cupcork.ie – also you can comment on our facebook page – www.facebook.come/messyinblarney
Activities for Lighthouse at Home Sunday 17th May
Theme: God’s peace and presence with us always.
Resources needed for today’s activities
Paper, pencils, scissors, glue stick or other form of glue, markers and/or crayons
Your photo album or photos on phone/laptop/tablet
Activity 1: God is always with me
Draw around you hand on a piece of paper and cut it out. Starting with the thumb write one word on each finger: God is always with me
This is to remind us, that no matter where we are, or what is happening all around us, God is with us. He never leaves us. And even when we cannot feel his presence with us, he is still there, always and forever.
Activity 2: Peace dove
Draw an outline of a dove on a piece of paper, then have everyone make another handprint like in activity 1 (but don’t write on it) Then stick the handprints onto the dove to give it feathers. Just use a little glue on the wrist part of the handprint so the fingers don’t stick down and the feathers are free.
The disciples were very scared. They were meeting together in a locked room when Jesus came and stood among them and said ‘Peace be with you.’ (see John 20:19). Jesus wants us all to know his peace at this very strange and often stressful time that we are in at the moment.
Activity 3: Peaceful places
Think of places or activities that make you feel peaceful. Draw a picture of them and then spend some time listening to each other tell about your peaceful places/activities.
Sometimes we need to make time and space for ourselves so that we can get away from the stress and anxiety we may feel and allow time to sit, walk, or be, so that we can feel the peace that God wants to give to each one of us.
Activity 4: Photos
Spend some time looking at photos of you and your family and friends and remember happy times together.
The disciples were filled with joy as Jesus stood among them and talked to them. (see John 20:20) I am sure that you are all missing your family and friends at this time and looking at photos can bring us joy as we remember all that we were doing and who we were with as the photo was taken.