I don’t know if you’ve had a crazy week or a what are we going to do with the time week
For me it’s been one of those weeks where I’ve been playing catchup all week and this blog is one of those things which I’ve been so close to getting done but never seemed to have got done. Now with 2 weeks to go to Easter day I’m wanting to get caught up with the questions I’ve missed out on.
These questions this week are deep questions and I would have loved to have more time to ponder them
- Tuesday – When was the last time I took time to stop and ponder creation?
At the moment we see creation springing into life – One of the amazing things for me is the mix between tending creation and leaving creation alone to get on with it. This week I’ve been struck but the idea of partnership for beauty and thriving. As humans we’re called into partnership but there are things we need to leave alone and let creation get on and not interfere.
I love watching the birds and other wildlife which venture into our garden – and contemplating the eco systems at play here
- Wednesday – Who / what do I need to pray for today?
Quite a simple question today. In my experience taking time to think and pray give us links with others needs and takes us to a place where we remember our dependance upon God and also reminds us of the world around us beyond our own front door which for many at this time is vitially important
- Thursday – How am I feeling today?
Acknowledging our feelings at the moment is really important. These strange times we’re living in and the stuff we’re experiencing in this lockdown is difficult stuff – And the fact that we’re all experiencing it differently is important. It’s OK not to be OK at the moment and it is OK to be OK at the moment too. Reading lots of articles about how people are experiencing this lockdown in particular which has been going on for such a long time and people being angry, frustrated, concerned … whatever emotions you might want to add to the picture is important. Emotions are not good or bad but help us to process the events that are going on in our life. I’m not a psychologist nor a counsellor but recently I discovered the feelings wheel taking time to think what’s going on is important and realising that all sorts of things lead us to feeling what we are both internally and externally

- Friday – Who/What am I grieving at the moment ?
Grief is a natural part of life and helps us process so much when we loose someone / something which we have valued.
The experts tell us that grief can be understood as a process

In my experience it would be wonderful if it were so! … Sometimes it is and that is healthy but many many times it is much more messier than that but it is important to work through and to look at these things and to have people to chat to if we get stuck in one of these places. perhaps a friend, familiy member, pastor. All of us at some point will need this and taking time to understand this is really really important
- Saturday – Whose example of life do I most appreciate?
Growing up I had lots of people around me who in their own quiet way have shown me what it means to live as a Christian, to be a good husband, to be a leader, to be a man after God’s heart and also invested time in conversations with me.
Whose example do you most appreciate and why not take time to thank them today … or if you can’t thank them maybe journal about what it is about them that you do appreciate.
Then how about putting those things into your daily life?