Welcome to our 2021 Lent Questions
Last year, before lockdown I (Robert Ferris) came up with a list of 40 questions around life, faith, scripture and I suppose you could call it spirituality which I put out on Ash Wednesday as way to think about things more deeply over the course of Lent.
This season of the Church’s year is traditionally a time when we are able to cut out things – like chocolate, take up things like almsgiving, charity work or what ever. This year in particular when we are sitting at home and pondering. I invite you on a bit of a journey as we look at what God might be saying to you in these days.
Starting on Ash Wednesday and continuing for the 40 days of Lent (not including Sundays) the 40 Questions will appear here on this blog as well as on Facebook. Do take time to ponder, to journal, to discuss these questions.
You can download a copy of all the questions here
Lent-Questions-2021or you can view the questions daily on our facebook page – www.facebook.com/cupcork