Bishop of Cork Pastoral Care Fund

Bishop of Cork Pastoral Care Fund

At the start of Lent, following a year’s preparatory work, with the support of the Diocesan Council, the Bishop launched the first ever charity operated directly, and under his direct control and that of the Diocesan Trustees, on our behalf as a Diocese, to fulfil the third mark of the Five Marks of Missions: ‘to respond to human need with loving service.’

The letter below is self-explanatory and, in launching the appeal, the Bishop has recognised that it may seem a strange time to launch a charity, but also that it is a time when the role such a charity can play into the future is also obvious.  Naturally it is also fully understood that some people will be in a position to help at this time, and others may not be, but every little helps and I commend this appeal to you.

More information can be found here –


Robert Ferris


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