Deep within us there seems to be a yearning for more … things and stuff … or wanting what others seem to have.
Marketers have seen the psychology of this and used it to their benefit to sell us stuff we don’t need.
When it comes to deeper stuff there is a yearning for relationship.
Some people have described this as the ‘God-shaped hole’ in every person
in the 23rd Psalm we read
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not (be in) want
Psalm 23:1
This is easy to say when times are good – but when times are tough – are we ok with saying actually – he is all I need?
That certainly is challenging but having met many people across the world who can testify to this – It is something which I believe. With the Lord as our shepherd – the one we depend upon -through good and ill – we will lack nothing
P.S. this is not prosperity gospel – he’s not saying – relationship with God = riches – not at all nor will everything be rosy all the time but that as a shepherd he will provide enough for our needs.
PPS its also not a sit back and do nothing licence … we’re called to act in partnership with God.
For some this might be a very easy question to answer – it’s great, its strong, all going well
For others it might be the answer many give to the Relationship Status update on facebook ‘its complicated’
For others it might be … well honestly I just don’t know
There are many ways to describe our relationship with God … At a youth event many years ago used the image below … from people standing watching, to actively participating, to being ready to jump in .
We do need to think about these things – God does want a relationship with us – a strong relationship. 2 way communication!
Remember the story Jesus told of the ‘prodigal son’
In Blarney we have a congregation called ‘Messy Church’ – a space for Kids and adults to explore faith through crafts, science, story and experience as well as sharing food together.
Yes there might be messy goo and paint and other ‘messy things’ but at a deeper level the ‘messy church’ name actually points to the messiness of life – not everything is clean and tidy, messy questions, messy families. Basically its an acknowledgement that not everything is sorted – you can be messy too!
Which leads me to today’s question – Challenges … we call face challenges / issues at different points in life.
Maybe it’s to do with work (or lack of it), finance, family, relational, health, grief … there are a myriad of challenges to be faced in life but there are ways through them and overcome or to live with them.
I wonder what are your challenges this week or this year and what you need to do to overcome them?
In church we don’t gloss over the difficulties but actually, dare to proclaim hope in the midst of despair whatever that might mean for you. This of course is difficult but whatever challenges you face – there is always a flicker, a flame of hope in the midst of the challenge
This blog is part of a series on 40 days 40 questions – more details can be found on written by Revd Robert Ferris
This time last year we had no clue what the rest of the year would hold – It’s been a crazy year when we stop to think about it. Maybe this is what lent this year could be – a time to stop and think about where we are!
It’s a time of the year when we are able to count our blessings, a time to think about what we’re looking forward to – in the immediate as well as the long term – the small things as well as the big things but right now – the immediate in the midst of this lock down, in the midst of the circumstances we find ourselves in what are you looking forward to – maybe it’s a walk, maybe its planting some seed, maybe it’s a phonecall with a friend, maybe it’s starting a new course, maybe it’s watching & feeding the birds, maybe it’s the shopping trip (simply to get out of the house), maybe it’s the craft project … what ever it may be – the simple pleasures.
Maybe its something bigger – As we start out on this new week – lets take time to look forward – to note down the things we’re looking forward.
Paul – writing a letter to the Church in Philipi said this in Philippians 1:6
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
This blogpost is part of a series of 40 days of lent – for more information check out
It’s one of those emotions that makes you smile – For me small things bring me joy
A walk in a beautiful garden
A lovely cup of coffee
A chat with a friend
Our comfy sofa at the end of the day
Joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit – what are the things that bring you joy? How can you be joyful in the midst of the circumstances you find yourself in at the moment?
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