Day 14 – prayer focus for those grieving the loss of a loved one

Unlike other days in this series – I’ve struggled to find prayers of intercession on this topic that helpfully articulate any helpful sentiment beyond the surface level. And certainly not one prayer that can be used in the graphic as there are too many issues – In my searching I came across a book entitled “enriching our worship – Book 5 ” from The Episcopal Church which is helpful – no one prayer summarises these issues.
As this is not a topic that is readily chatted about in church land – One that brings many people on a distinct journey of despair & grief – On this or any other topic I’m happy to chat with anyone affected by these issues. -Robert
For Help to Conceive or to Accept Infertility
Merciful Creator, every day you bring new life into this world.
We long to share in this generation by bearing a child. Yet our
attempts have brought grief, frustration, and fear. Now we feel
spent and our hope fades. Give us grace to surrender our longing
to you. Hold our hearts’ desire in your heart, helping us trust that
our lives unfold according to your unfailing love, through Christ
our Redeemer. Amen.
For Those Trying to Conceive a Child in Mature Years
God, our unfailing hope and strength; you heard the pleas of our
ancestors in Scripture that they might bear children, even as their
expectation faded; hear also our great desire and longing for a child.
Help us to welcome that future you bring to us according to your will
and to make our lives fruitful and joyful beyond what we may expect
or imagine; we pray in the name of your child Jesus and through the
Holy Spirit that prays in us with groans too deep for words. Amen.
For Letting Go the Hope of Childbearing
Holy God, you offer abundance of life and fullness of joy to
your children. We have longed to bear children of our own. As
we grieve the loss of this dream, turn our sorrow to hope for a
different future than the one we had imagined. Transform the
desires of our hearts into grace that we may bear your love to
others in all we do and say, through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.
When the Decision Has Been Made Not to Bear Children
God who has searched us out and known us: We have sought your
guidance in discerning our readiness to be parents and your will
for our lives; be with us now in our decision not to bear children,
that in this and in all our actions we may give you honor, praise,
and service; through Jesus Christ our Savior and your Holy Spirit,
who dwell with you in glory everlasting. Amen