On Monday the question was about Big Picture thinking and what might be in the years ahead

For me as a positive person who does like to dream big dreams about things that I know that need to be changed I do like to think about what could and should be.

I am also as a practical person and likes to see how the change can happen – what steps need to be put in place – what the route may be.

I also know that the world / family / church / business / whatever … doesn’t follow my plans, it doesn’t read my script of how things need to be for me to fulfil my vision – actually I’m very glad of that! as most people actually are really sensible! as annoying as that is! and that some of my ‘there’ picture might not be that great in reality and I may have to actually work with people to find a much better and solid picture of what needs to be.

So … in my own experience I set out from here to where my ‘there’ might be – identifying the big picture working collaboratively with others discerning and praying as I go. There may be distractions and some of those may have to be jettisoned but there might be things that would be helpful.

These things are important … being adaptable and adventurous stepping out and heading in the direction that will bring us life and call us to something more is really important … yes there might be a slog required, some hurdles to climb over but knowing that we’re heading in the right direction is important … having breaks along the way to enjoy – taking time to take stock and celebrate and have fun … as well as cups of coffee (or whatever you are having yourself!) is really important.

I have found in those cups of coffee with others there is wisdom, there is direction and generally friendship.

Coffee anyone??