Countdown to Easter Youth Trip 2024








Wed 23rd -Sat 26th April 2025!

Jam packed few days away for teens and their leaders – Open to young people in 6th class up to 6th year.

A chance to enjoy games, food and lots of fun together as we explore what it means to know God

What to expect…

Morning and

Evening Sessions

Our trip away will centre around time spent exploring questions about Faith in Jesus. Meetings will look a bit different each day but will involve worship music, prayer, a short talk and time to respond.

Discussion Groups and Reflection Time


A time to divide into smaller groups and  think more deeply as we unpack what we’ve heard during the sessions. This is a chance to ask questions, share doubts, wrestle with new ideas and also  get to know your group better. 

Hunt The Leader and Off-Site Trips


We won’t just be staying at the centre- there will also be time to visit the local area and maybe find a few leaders in disguise!


Prayer Room and Seminars

For those who want to dig a little deeper or spend time reflecting on their faith journey there will be prayer spaces available throughout the trip to go for some quiet time with God. We will also have some optional seminars with a guest speaker coming along to help us think about some key topics. 

Free time to Relax! 

Whether you like unstructured chill out space, or to get involved with planned activities such as boardgames, crafts, tournaments and sports a key part of the trip is enjoying spenting time together! 

Crazy Games and Activities

Because who doesn’t love a bit of absurd frivolity?!?


Faith Mission Centre

Carhue, Bandon, Co.Cork, P72 YW67

GPS: 51.743302, – 8.814899

Situated just 6Km from Bandon, the centre is nestled near the Bandon River, just off the R586.

The accommodation includes dorms for young people with adjoining rooms for leaders, as well as a kitchen, dining area, sports hall, meeting room and lots of outdoor space.  


Info for Parents

We are committed to following ‘Safeguarding Trust’ (the Church of Ireland’s child protection policy) as a way of creating and maintaining a safe environment where all our children are protected from any type of abuse.

All over 18 leaders are Garda Vetted and have recieved safeguarding training in compliance with the church group they are attending with. 



Youth Trip Cost (92 euro per person)

– This includes food, accommodation, resources, offsite outings from arrival on Wednesday til collection on Saturday.

– For those travelling from Dublin travel costs will be discussed with group leaders and taken into account for overall cost.

– Young people may also bring along some pocket money if they wish to spend on off-site outings or in the tuckshop.

Payments for the youth trip can be made by direct bank transfer to the Parish Account:
Carrigrohane Union Select Vestry Current Account,
AIB, Patrick Street, Cork.
Account:  21109077
IBAN: IE89 AIBK 9342 8321 1090 77
Please label the translation YOUTHTRIPBANDON_FamilyName
as this hugely helpful for the office keeping track of everything. 


N.B We never want anyone to miss out due to financial strain so if this is causing you concern please contact Sarah Louise and we’ll figure out a way to accommodate any budget with the utmost discretion.


Rewind to 2023

Rewind to 2023


Highlights from last year!

“Playing with the worship team, the games in the sports hall and the beach trip. I also love mingling with the Cork group and getting to know my own group so much better during meal times.”

Seeing the Cork and Dublin groups getting on so well together was one highlight, and the extended worship time on Friday evening was another – it was really powerful to see how the Holy Spirit was at work.

Key “take homes” from the sessions

The cross/weighing scales image, showing how Jesus’ death makes it possible for God to deal with sin but to be loving and compassionate at the same time.”

“That a lot of people have a similar story to me and that surprised me a lot”

Hope to see you there! Keep an eye out for more details on the website and feel free to get in tough with Sarah Louise if you have any questions!