Stuff to Do! – week 1
As the days go by there are lots of different places to get information about things to do – and lots of companies giving stuff away to keep us occupied. In this update we look at a few things which might be helpful to keep adults and kids entertained
Close to home – Parishioners are doing a few things:
April Gunn in Lighthouse & Blarney toddlers is updating our Lighthouse Messy Church facebook page with activities and videos she has found to be of use – check out – https://www.facebook.com/MessyinBlarney
There’s also great free resources here for kids bible stories https://www.zonderkidz.com/resources/freebies
This week sees the National Theatre in the UK uploading a free play each week – check out – https://www.timeout.com/london/news/the-national-theatre-is-going-to-stream-a-free-play-every-thursday-night-032620
Libraries Ireland has lots of resources – you can even join online – check out https://www.librariesireland.ie/news/online-services-during-coronavirus
We’ll be broadcasting at 11am on Sunday at https://www.cupcork.ie/hall
For a great list of things that others have found – check out https://covid19.shanehastings.eu/giveback/